
I recently visited the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona, a museum dedicated to the Spanish artist’s iconoclastic creations. For an academic on vacation, the scene was idyllic: an art-festooned courtyard; a fluttering white canopy filtering the Mediterranean sun; and an ice-cold Diet Coke. What more could one ask for?

In my case, it would have been the grant I was hoping to receive. As I sat and pondered the art I had just enjoyed, I foolishly checked my email to find a message asking me to downsize a large grant into a smaller project. Not exactly good news, but not altogether bad.

Several colleagues and I had proposed a project to study the legal rights of people with severe brain injury. Their plight is terrible: They are often dispatched from the hospitals where their lives had been saved to nursing homes where they receive what is euphemistically called custodial care rather than skilled medical care.

Read the story.