Published by NYAM

Kieffer, E; Kies, A. How to Thrive Together: A Toolkit to Sustain, Grow & Fund Your Age-friendly Neighborhood Organization. February 2021.

Beginning in the spring of 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, age-friendly neighborhood organizations played a pivotal role in keeping older New Yorkers informed, socially engaged, and healthy. NYAM recognized an urgent need to connect leaders from these neighborhood groups in order to provide a space for them to share information and best practices on adapting to the new circumstances. Leveraging generous funding from the New York State Health Foundation’s (NYSHealth) COVID-19 Response Grant, the Center for Healthy Aging at NYAM convened 20 age-friendly organizations in New York City every month from July through December 2020. Based on learnings from those convenings, this toolkit is designed support age-friendly neighborhood organizations in sustaining, growing and funding their work.